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It is important to understand a few things before jumping into the actual substance of the User Tasks Bridge project. Therefore, let's quickly review them in order to get started.

What is the User Tasks Bridge project?

The User Tasks Bridge is a LittleHorse project whose goal is to provide a more personalized and secure experience when working with LittleHorse Server's User Tasks. As you may have read before, the LittleHorse Server does not come with any user-identity-related features, and that is precisely what justifies the existance of a solution like the User Tasks Bridge.

This bridge is out here to stablish a secure channel of communication between LittleHorse Server's User Tasks and your OIDC-compliant Identity Provider so that your company can leverage its already working strategy and tools to handle its users, plus the power that the integration with User Tasks provides to have a competitive advantage for all of your company's human-in-the-loop tasks that are part of any LittleHorse Server's Workflows.


The User Tasks Bridge consists of three main components:

  1. API (Backend)

  2. API Client (Node Package)

  3. Console (Next.js Application)

This is a high-level representation of how these components are connected among them:

Types of Users

As of now, there are 2 types of users in User Tasks Bridge, which are Admin Users and Standard Users, and there are clear differences and reasons to choose between them:

  • Admin Users: as its name suggests, this type of user is the one that you want to set to those people in charge of managing who is allowed to do XYZ tasks. Furthermore, not only can this type of user assign, reassign or cancel User Tasks, but also fetch all User Tasks from all of the organization, claim and complete them if needed.

  • Standard Users: This type of user is the one that you want to set to those people in charge of completing User Tasks without allowing them to fetch User Tasks other than the ones already assigned to them or their group, nor can they reassign any User Task.

User Groups

Companies usually perform in environments where tasks can be assigned to a specific user or any user within a specific group, and when that is the case, most Identity Providers offer a way to achieve that, and that way is commonly known as User Groups (or just Groups), which is why LittleHorse's User Tasks Bridge takes advantage of that as well so that you can have a fine-grained control over User Tasks assignments, for you want to be able to assign a certain task to General Obi-Wan Kenobi (a specific user), or anyone available in the Jedi Order (a specific group).