User Controller
This is a controller that exposes endpoints in charge of handling requests related to non-admin users
📄️ Complete UserTask
Completes a UserTask by making it transition to DONE status if the request is successfully processed in LittleHorse Server.
📄️ Claim UserTask
Claims a UserTaskRun by assigning it to the requester user.
📄️ Cancel UserTask
Cancels a UserTask by making it transition to CANCELLED status if the request is successfully processed in LittleHorse Server.
📄️ Get User Info
Gets the requesting user's info.
📄️ Get UserTasks
Gets all UserTasks assigned to a user and/or userGroup that the user belongs to.
📄️ Get UserTask details
Gets a UserTask's details, including its definition (UserTaskDef).
📄️ Get Groups
Gets all Groups from a specific identity provider of a specific tenant for the requesting user.